15 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi

Reflection Task (Edited version)

Hi everybody. I am here to introduce myself to you. I was born on December 16, 1994 in Samsun. Until last year, I have never left my hometown for any purposes. Before I came here, I had thought that it would be hard for me. However, METU changed my mind completely. After graduating from Aziz Atik Anatolian Teacher Training School, METU offered me a new world. I studied at prep. school last year and that was so good and unique experience,and I would like to study at prep. school again if I had a chance. Thanks to prep. school, I made a lot of friends from different departments.Now i am studying at my department (FLE).

Apart from these chronological period, I, of course, have some hobbies.For example, I do love cycling so much. That has been a passion for me since the childhood. Every year, i always take trips with my bike for  a few kilometers with my friends. Moreover, i like travelling. I generally prefer organizing trips by myself. For example last year, i organized a trip to Giresun, Trabzon and Rize. I arranged all routes, destinations and accommodations. Lastly, i started a new TV serie whose name is SUITS. After i had met that TV series, it affected me deeply. Before that serie, I have never been a fan of a fictional characther. I strongly advise everyone to watch it.

For those who are curious: 

1 yorum:

  1. Hi, Halilcan. Your ideas are expressed in a coherent language and manner. You use transitions very well. You haven’t used any irrelevant sentences. In general, your reflection is written in a very grammatically correct manner, and it has a fluent language to it. However, you seem to have a few minor problems with some grammatical use. First of all, before dates “on” should be used instead of “in”. Secondly, while talking about past experiences that were before past events, past perfect or past simple should be used: “Until last year, I had never left my hometown for any purposes”. Thirdly, instead saying “I had a lot of friends”, you could use the phrase “make friends” since it suggests you are still friend with those you have mentioned. Fourthly, “since childhood” is more appropriate than inserting a definite article in between. Fifthly, there is no such a word as “serie” but “series”, which you probably meant. As for punctuation, other than the fact that you didn’t put spaces after a few full stops, there seems to be no problem. Your only mistake in spelling is not capitalizing some “i”s, in the meaning of the first person singular.
    My question to you is the following: Would you enter prep school if you were admitted to METU again?
